Our bodies are very complex. They have multiple systems that are constantly adapting to external and internal environments, all of which are controlled by the brain. What happens consciously is affecting our bodies and vice versa. Sometimes our sub-conscious is undermining us as well, and sometimes there are processes happening in our bodies that we are aware and unaware of, all of which are affecting our body, brain, and soul.
Our soul has a long history and is eternal. We are reactive beings. We are sensitive to the world around us and sometimes we adapt and sometimes we don't. We are sensitive to the people in our world and their beliefs and how these beliefs are taught to us, and unfortunately, sometimes they are forced upon us. When we become frustrated with the process, when we can no longer feel we are free to meet our goals, our systems go awry. Illness, frustration, stopping our progression in life, and negativity permeate our body and soul and well, you might feel like you are drowning. We decide we can get by without having met our goal, but our efforts, our body, our soul, all tell another story by developing ailments, damage, and illnesses.
These illnesses, disorders and bodily damage represent the final warning systems. These are messages from our body that are causing significant and possibly lethal outcomes. Energy Therapy tracks, sorts, finds, and clears the roots for these emotions and health issues. With positive affirmations and modifications, these things are cleared from the body, giving you a new starting point for healing.
Energy Therapy does not erase memories or events. It is not mind reading. A person doing the clearing will not have access to your deepest secrets. The main belief behind Energy Therapy is that if we clear the negative emotions we can jump start the body into healing itself of physical ailments, meaning that essential oils, homeopathic remedies, nutrition, and all of the other modalities available to humans may be part of the "pie" that makes you whole again. While treating the symptoms and healing the emotions, we meet in the middle, permanently terminating the disorder and discord. Sometimes we may need to make corrective interventions along they way, but the ultimate goal is to be healed physically and emotionally.
When we get to a certain point in our lives, we realize we need to change the pattern. Many times we have come to accept the way things are and continue to resist, avoid, or deny the urges to change the patterns. Examples of this may be that you continue to attract the same kind of people into your life that are negative or abusive, you keep getting fired for the same reasons, or you constantly start something new but never see it to completion. As long as we settle for these outcomes, our symptoms will persist or worsen. Becoming aware of these emotions and things that need to change our lives lead us on the path to change and healing.
What I Do
I starting practicing Energy Therapy 4 years ago. Before that, I learned and worked with Feng Shui for 11 years (the study of people's relationship with their environment). I have come to love and appreciate the knowledge and gifts of these therapies. Taking time to understand the emotions that propel and delay our body and progression in life have been monumental. I am a Christian and I believe in the healing powers of God and Angels, and believe that we have been separated from our Heavenly Father to be tested in a mortal life. Having the opportunity to call upon God, use these other methods of healing the body and soul, and being able to change my perspective have helped me to understand the things that happen to make up my life and have faith for the things that I don't understand yet.
How to Prepare for an Energy Therapy
Make a list. Start with physical problems (i.e., lower back, right shoulder, left eye twitches, acne). You don't have to go into great detail, but be specific. Is the pain stabbing? Aching? Is it on the left or right side? Do you notice a pattern? Next move onto life events. Even good life events can be stressful, so take note. Do you need to change your job? Are you unhappy in your house? Is this pregnancy scary, hard, unplanned? Is there never enough money? Finally, review your list. Even if there are small things that seem insignificant, but keep coming to mind, put them on the list.
More Information
There are some wonderful books about emotions and healing. A lot of other things tie into Energy Therapy, like Chakras, Auras, EFT, and Generational Issues. There are also many different ways of doing Energy Therapy as well. Carol Tuttle (one of my favorites) focuses on 4 types of energies in people. This was one of the more insightful methods I learned about early on and it helped me understand who I was and why I do/like some of the things I do. I first learned about emotions causing physical ailments from Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman.
Book List
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman
Messages From The Body by Michael Lincoln
It's Just My Nature by Carol Tuttle
Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson
The Art of Self Muscle Testing: For Health, Life and Enlightenment by Michael Hetherington
The Complete Book of Chakra Healing: Activate the Transformative Power of Your Healing Centers by Cyndi Dale