Saturday, October 5, 2013

Using Homeopathy to Treat Disease

I'm posting this list here for you to print off and store with a homeopathic kit should you have one. If you are new to homeopathic medicine, remedies are often abbreviated. The books list the abbreviations with the name of the remedy. Dosages for taking homeopathic remedies are usually standard for every remedy.

These are the rules you need to remember:

Do not let the remedy touch anything. If you drop a pellet on a table, do not ingest it. Proper administration is to pour 3-5 pellets into the lid and dump them into your mouth, being careful not to let saliva get into the lid.

Most remedies act almost immediately.

Nux Vomica will usually clear any remedies taken previously. Mint can too, such as brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

Do not eat or drink anything within 15 minutes of taking a remedy. Milk will also alter the effectiveness, so avoid milk for about 15 minutes before or after taking a remedy.

The following is a list of diseases that usually occur when vaccines are not available or in unfavorable conditions:

Anthrax: acon, apis, arn, echin, lach, led
Appendicitis: ars, bry, echin, lach, nux.v, rhus.t.
Bubonic Plague: anthrae, ars, ign, lach, naja, rhus.t
Cerebral meningitis: apis, gels, echin, ipec, zinc m.
Chicken pox: acon, bry, dulc, led, rhus.t., var
Infant: apis, bell, bry, ipec
Morbus: ars, ipec, camph, acon
Chorea (St. Vitus Dance:associated with rheumatic fever): agar, arg.n., ars, ign
Diptheria: apis, ars, echin, lac.c, lach, led, naja, rhus.t.
Dysentery: acon, apis, arn, ars, ipec, puls, rhus.t., xanth
Gangrene: calend, cepa, arn, apis, echin, euphorb
Hip joint Disease: acon, calc.c, calc.p
Infantile paralysis: acon, gels, nux.v., plumb,m, rhus.t
Leprosy: ars, lach, sep
Malaria: apis, arn, ars, bry, echin, eup.perf, eup.purp, gels, ign
Measles (Rubeola): acon, bell, bry, gels, puls, gels
Spinal: bell, bry
Tubercular: apis, bry
Mumps: acon, dulc, puls, rhus.t., calend
Pellagra: ars, gels, ign, puls
Peritonitis (inflamation of the lining of the stomach): acon, apis, bry, lach, rhus.t., sang.m.
Ptomaine (Food) poisoning: ars, camph, carbo.v., cepa
Purpura hemorrhagic (symptom of toxins in body: bleeding under the skin): arn, ars, crot, ham, lach, phos
Scarlet fever: acon, apis, ars, bry, echin, gels, rhus.t.
Septicemia: acon, arn. cham, puls, rhus.t
Sleeping Sickness: apis, gels, indol, naja, nux.m, rhut t.
Smallpox: var, acon, apis, bapt, bry, rhus.t., cauth, camph
Tetanus: acon, arn, calend, hyper, ipec, led
Tobacco abuse: ign, tab, ipec, plant
Trismus (Lock jaw): acon, hyper, ign
Typhoid Fever: apis, arn, ars, bry, bapt, lach, lyc, nux.m
Typhus: apis, ars, bapt, camph,kreos, rhus.t.
Vertigo: apis, acon, arn, arg.n, bry, puls
Vomiting: acon, bry, dros, ipec, kveos, puls
Whooping cough: acon, bry, chel, dros, dule, ipec, puls
Yellow Fever: arg.n., acon, apris, bry, ipec, plumb, sab, lach
Rubella: rhus.t
Impetigo: dulc, rhus.t., thuya, cheld.m.

*I'm not suggesting these be used instead of medical treatment, but to be used with modern medicine, or to be used if modern medicine is not available. I have been using homeopathy for 5 years with very good results, however, I am not a homeopath, or doctor. My highest recommendation is to get a book for yourself to study.

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