Homeopathy Medicine is Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting benefits.
The therapy is based on the theory of treating “like with like”. Homeopathic remedies are diluted natural substances that if given to a healthy person, would produce the symptoms the medicine is prescribed for. In the assessment of you, the patient, homeopaths will take into account the range of physical, emotional and lifestyle factors in order to prescribe the right medicine(s).
Homeopathy has been used in the UK for over two hundred years, but has an honourable tradition dating back to ancient Greece. It was Samuel Hahnemann, a brilliant doctor working in 1796 who developed the scientific and philosophical foundations of this gentler way of healing. These scientific principles form the basis of successful homeopathic practice today.
Homeopathy is safe, will not interfere with prescription medications, and can be given to newborns to centurions.
Two sites that offer remedies and more information are:
Homeopathyworks offeres a 100 Most Common Remedies kit, which has most remedies that would be needed for pretty much any ailment. These can be used for childbirth. They can be used for pets. It comes in a red box that looks like an ammo box. For hundreds of years, this has been the standard storage receptacle. It is best to buy a "materia medica" book for homeopathy so that you have more detailed information for diagnostic purposes.
Some recommended books are:(Found on Amazon.com)
Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook:Safe and Effective Ways to Treat Fevers, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, Childhood Ailments, Flu, Food Poisoning, and a Wide Range of Everyday Complaints.
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